4 good luck programming methods for Day X
Life, as you know, consists of black and white stripes. This must be understood and accepted. But, if we cannot completely remove the black line from life, then we are at least able to manage and adjust it for ourselves. An exam, an interview, an important meeting - in these and other events, it is especially important that luck accompany. This article will tell you about four tools that will allow you to program a white stripe for an important event for you.
Each of these tools has been successfully tested by me. Everything presented in this article was written on the basis of a unique author’s technique of a terrific teacher, Anatoly Leonidovich Lazurkin, who radically upheld my whole life, and which to this day is one of the most authoritative personalities for me. But 10 years have passed already.
Anatoly Leonidovich Lazurkin1. Artificial black strip method
We assume that the black strip is ALWAYS replaced by white. In this case, all that we need to attract good luck on day X is an artificially created, black bar on the eve of the event. Somewhere a week and a half should be enough.
Just don’t strain: it’s not about deliberately quarreling with someone or engaging in self-abasement. The basis for creating an artificial black strip will be the rejection of entertainment and all that causes too pleasant emotions. On the other hand, you will not be required to induce unpleasant feelings and emotions in yourself. During this period, you should remain as empty as possible. Just like you do it in meditation, if you practice it.
Examples of what you can do at this time
- Devote as much time as possible to work, study, and serving people (for example, relatives and relatives).
- Engage in self-development.
- Yoga, meditation.
- Do sport.
- Self-education.
- All that is of direct practical benefit to you and / or others.
Examples of what you should not do at this time
- Listen to music (it evokes emotions and often makes you give in to dreams, memories).
- Watching TV, movies, reading fiction.
- Get-togethers with friends, dinner parties, any entertainment events with friends and acquaintances.
- It is advisable to refrain from consuming large amounts of food and not to eat your favorite goodies.
- Drink alcohol.
- If you smoke, you should eliminate or reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. At least for these 1-2 weeks.
One of the main conditions of this methodology is to maximize your time in “permitted” cases.
2. Door visualization
On the night before day X, when you go to bed and get ready for bed, visualize the following picture.
Before you is a long corridor of many doors. They are all gray, old, ugly. You take turns approaching each of them, opening and presenting an unpleasant scenario for the coming day. For example, on the way to the exam your car breaks down, or you meet an unpleasant person who spoils your mood with his energy. You can imagine that you are coming to the exam, and you come across exclusively questions that you do not know well.
Open each of these doors and play various unpleasant scenarios. As soon as your fantasy runs out, or the doors of J just run out, go to the last one at the end of the corridor. Imagine in detail all the beauty of this door: huge, luxurious, decorated with flowers and precious stones. Stand next to her for a few minutes. Imagine that behind it is the best possible scenario of tomorrow.
THE MOST IMPORTANT! Do not open this door. Wait, feel that joy, that anticipation, and go to bed.
To maintain equilibrium, the universe always tries to do differently so as not to lose the same scenarios twice. Therefore, presenting in detail the negative options - you clear the road, and at times increase the chances of implementing the most favorable scenario for you.
“Dreams do not come true. Desired get those who allowed themselves to have! ” (source. Transerfing of reality. Step 2. The rustle of morning stars (2004)3. Affirmations
Affirmation is a short phrase containing a verbal formula, which, when repeated, consolidates the desired image or attitude in the person’s subconscious, contributes to an improvement in his psycho-emotional background and stimulates positive changes in life.
In the morning and in the evening, pronounce affirmations suitable for you several times. The longer you practice this, the better. At least 1 month prior to the event.
The most important rule of affirmations is to avoid mechanism. Your task is to be as conscious as possible: to feel and live every word.
Affirmation Examples
- Nobody owes me anything - I forgive everyone
- I get a lot more than I expect
- I have no equal in this position
- I am always calm, calm and confident.
- Good luck with me always
- I am a successful person
4. Stress Relief Method on Day X
So we survived until day X. If you used the previous methods, then you will ALWAYS feel confident enough and decisively ready to accept what you deserve.
In the case of an important meeting, exam or interview, ask a very dear person (best of all, mother or someone who 100% loves you with all her heart) so that she scolds you during this event. She said something like he won’t succeed. It is important to say this many times. In this case, we again force the equilibrium forces to work for ourselves.
Bonus Stress Management
But what if, despite everything, you go into the office of the employer or in the examination room, and experience a feeling of incredible stress. You forget not only everything that you have prepared, but in general it’s difficult to understand who you are. If you recognize yourself in this - read on.
When you enter the audience, or office - you need to redirect all your experiences from yourself to those who are near you. Other people worry no less than yours. If you immerse yourself in the success of the rest, then you can really help them with your power of thought. But, more importantly for our selfish purposes, you thereby repeatedly help yourself in the first place. Both according to karmic laws, and psycho-emotional.
You can use any of the proposed methods. Nevertheless, the most effective will be the use of all tools in a complex. Do not take everything stated as a universal “magic wand”. Obviously, without knowing the subject of the exam, or applying for a position in which you are not competent enough, no psychological “tricks” will work, no matter how hard you work on them.
They work great in order to avoid unfair situations for those who really deserve it. Work on yourself is a laborious process, but it is extremely cost-effective. If you started reading this blog - you are already on the right track, and you will surely succeed. I believe in each of you, my dear reader!