3 secrets of successful people. Time
Time is a resource that we have the right to dispose of at will. We have the right to waste it or with benefit for ourselves. In this article you will learn three secrets of successful people who will help you to manage your precious resource, time more quickly, better, more efficiently.
Rise at 5 in the morning
Every year, more and more authoritative people talk about the incredible benefits of rising to the dawn of the sun. And it's not just about time management. (although, of course, also in it). To date, there are quite scientific reasons for revising your sleep regimen. What are the main advantages in the early climbs?
- You have more personal time. When most people sleep, you can please yourself with exercises, meditation, prepare breakfast for your family, read a book. And then calmly start gathering on business.
- In general, spiritual practices (yoga, meditation) are more qualitatively in the morning. It is believed that it is in the early morning that our brain is most inspired. It is in the morning that amazing new ideas and the right decisions come. Intuition works better. Therefore, it is very sad to replace this time with sleep.
- Studies show that the first 2.5-4 hours after waking up is the peak period of brain function.
- Have you ever noticed that when you wake up early in the morning, at 5 or 6 in the morning, you feel cheerful and energetic. But, once you fall asleep and wake up at 8, 9 and, even more so, at 10, how do you feel drowsiness, tiredness. This is not at all what a person should sleep.
- Waking up at 5 or 6 in the morning, as a rule, it will take you no more than seven hours to sleep. It is proved that people who sleep 7 hours a day, statistically live longer.
In 2017, Michael Young, Jeffrey Hall and Michael Rosbash were awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology. They discovered the molecular mechanisms that determine circadian rhythm. In other words, they explained the operation of the biological clock. This, in turn, proved the scientific nature of Chinese medicine, and left the skeptics without words.
The Nobel Prize in medicine is awarded for discoveries in the work of the human bodyProper day planning
People constantly complain about lack of time. Steve Jobs also said that Planning is part of the magic of Apple. However, it is not enough to know WHAT you will do, but HOW you will do it. In order to do more and make your day as effective as possible, adhere to the following rules:
- Write a plan in a notebook or on phone notes. Any action that we take to chance will usually result in “anyhow. If you want to take life into your own hands, yours needs a clear plan. As neuroscientists say, the practice of writing increases concentration and improves long-term memory. Thus, you program yourself to implement the plan on a subconscious level.
- Set time frames. It is very important to record the amount of time that you are ready to devote to a particular business. It’s not easy to foresee everything in our crazy rhythm of life, and it’s okay if you go beyond this time frame. Nevertheless, you yourself will notice that you will have time to do much more in a day.
- First, all the most unpleasant. When planning your day, try to plan unwanted but important things at the very beginning. You will save yourself from unnecessary stress and do not let this task hang over you for the whole day. In addition, stepping over yourself, you will have confidence that will help to more effectively cope with the tasks.
- Take into account priorities. Do not overload yourself with inconsequential matters. If this business does not affect your long-term goals, then postpone it until you have time for this.
- Do not forget about the rest. In everything you need to remember to maintain balance. To preserve motivation and vitality, be sure to devote at least 4 hours a day to rest, hobbies, meditation, sports - all that allows your brain to relax and reboot. “Cause time - fun hour.” Do you remember?
Say no to multitasking
It is proved that the human brain, despite many stereotypes, is not able to concentrate on several things at once. The concept of “multitasking” was invented by not very wise employers in order to get the most out of their employees. The effectiveness of concentration on one single thing can be compared with professional activity. Let's say you need to find an accountant. Who are you most likely to contact: an accountant with three years of experience or a lawyer-informatics-accountant-cook-unicorn with five years of experience? Think about it.
When running, concentrate on running. When cooking, focus only on cooking. When learning - concentrate on learning. An unanswered message from a second cousin about how you are doing will calmly wait 30 minutes or a couple of hours. In general, it will become quite a useful habit to turn off the phone or put it in the “do not disturb” mode when you want to do something as efficiently as possible.
So, when choosing opt for multitasking, you:
- Increase your speed. Without being distracted by hundreds of different cases, you will be able to complete the task much faster and successfully move on to the next case.
- Increase efficiency. Just as it is impossible to plunge into deep meditation, thinking about both this and that, one cannot be effective in doing both this and that. Writers, programmers, inventors, designers - for all of them, concentration is especially important, which helps to include brainstorming, creativity, and create something amazing.
- Relieve yourself of stress. Switching from one irritant to another, it is surprising that we have not lost our minds so far. By concentrating on one thing, you allow yourself to drop all other worries, as if the whole world does not exist. This, in turn, significantly reduces even chronic anxiety, and also opens up some “superpowers”.
All this may seem so obvious and banal. We, like, know all about it. But why then not try to apply it in your life? We always try to complicate everything - but why? Maybe it's time to try to believe that everything ingenious is simple? Think about it.